Saturday, December 31, 2011

Wall art

I've been trying to figure out what to do for the wall above my couch for awhile. I've been looking at wall art on Overstock for months, and while I have found several things I liked, nothing that justified spending $100 for a painting. And I have several photos from various trips that I have taken, but none of it really fit the modern look I'd like to have in my living room.

So this morning, while trolling around websites looking for some DIY ideas for the Hobby Lobby gift card my mom got me (thanks, Mom!), I found this:

I loved it pretty much immediately and since anyone who knows me will tell you I love to scribble, this was for me!

I don't have white walls, and I wanted something a little longer than this piece, so I went to Lowes and found three 2x2 pre-cut boards that would work.

I also decided that since our furniture in the living room is tan, I wanted to make sure I used tan spray paint on it instead of white.

This project was so much fun.

Here are the boards after I spray painted them tan. They probably could have used a second coat of tan spray paint, but I sort of liked the uneven look they had. It made them look ... weathered.

This project was nice because I could let the spray paint dry to damp and then go ahead and add my circles, which is exactly what I did.

Then I stood above it with black paint and let it swirl. It's not going to look exactly like the painting I found, but I still really like it. I could do this sort of project for almost all of my rooms and no two would look alike.

If I did it in Alex's room, I probably would use white paint as the backdrop for the circles, but in my living room, I needed a little color.

I don't have it hung on the wall yet because the circles are still drying, but when I do, I'll post again.

I have another project or eight that I want to get started in the next couple of days. I making a piece of circular wall art for my room that involves using needlepoint rings That one is going to take a few days as I have to use the handsaw and spray paint and screw drivers. It truly is a sculpture fro my wall, but again, is replacing something that would cost me a lot of money at a home decor store.

Are you doing any fun wall projects these days? Share them!